25L$ Tuesdays~
Our item for this weeks 25L$ Tuesdays is the “Noble Banner”
Noble Banner is an addition to our existing few Banner products, including the same well-loved scripts that you can add to allow giving contents and or allowing others to “kill” or delete the item at their discretion. Excellent for dropping a flag at a friend or foe’s place!
The banners also include optional AO (Shadow) & UV Textures so that you can customise them for you, your group, or others!
Like always, while these Banners are a meager 1 prim at their sold size – if you resize them, they’re likely to go up. Sometimes this can be significant – remember, our items are uploaded and made with a specific texture and size in mind, and other sizes or textures may not work as well as planned.
This version includes versions which can be hung off of buildings or freestanding, in 3 flag sizes. They accept tints very well for basic flag needs.
As with our Fancy Banners, this item will be priced at 165L$ after, and is both copyable and modifyable – and definitely 100% original mesh!