25L$ Tuesdays… For men!
We made a lovely pair of these sandals some weeks ago for the ladies,
and now it is turn for our gentlemen… So without further ado:
The “Men’s Shepherd Sandal”!
Only 25L$ until 11:59pm SLT tonight, at which it goes up to the full 75L$ per tone. Snag these while they’re hot!
This version is fitted to & requires the male version of the Slink Flat Feet, and as usual are unrigged but we do not guarantee a fit with any other feet systems or the default SL feet.
A free no mod demo is provided, the actual product is mod however.
So swing by and grab these for yourself (if you’re a guy), or if you’re a lady… for your husbands, boyfriends, and male alts! Or any men in your life, really.