April 30th – 25L$ Tuesdays Round!
25L$ Tuesdays is back again, and we’re bringing you more of our little garden plots!
These seem to be so popular, everyone is demanding new types – and so this week we’re giving you a new variety to add to your mix and match garden – Yellow Summer Squash!
As well, we’re also offering it’s greener but equally tasty cousin – the Zucchini / Courgette squash and a pumpkin! It’s a squash/marrow type week, apparently.
Of course, these are all just 1 prim like all the rest of our growing variety. You’ll find them for a mere 145L$ per variety, all copyable at our main store.
Further, if you get there before 11:59 SLT Tuesday night, you’ll find the Yellow Summer Squash available for only 25L$!
PS, be on the lookout for our FaMESHed & We <3 are="" coming="" event="" items="" out="" p="" rp="" shortly="" very="" which="">