Newwww Stuff & Group freebie!
This week we have an awesome new scripted Blackwine set for you – coffee for those from earthen civilizations! It is 3 prims and includes two varieties of sugars, cups, cream, and spoons on a beautiful wooden raised tray draped with cloth in two options – fitting for both royalty and peasants alike. 255L$ is the price for this lovely piece which also dispenses drinks for you!
As well, two small nick nack mortar & pestles coming in at a meager 1 prim each at 50L$ a piece (copyable, per usual), please check either out both the mp & inworld:
View our Marketplace Store
So, without further ado~ the pics!
As a special bonus to our inworld group members, the wooden mortar & pestle will be given away FREE for the next 14 days via group notices inworld, so please consider joining if you haven’t & don’t forget the several group freebies still out there!