Redelivery issues?
Have you had redelivery issues on a Dysfunctional Designs product?
Inworld, or on the notorious Marketplace?
What you need is our latest redelivery terminal!
With it, you can check all your purchases from us inworld or on the Marketplace (older transactions before we implemented this may not show, our apologies… it has been in effect since 7/20/2012.)
You’re able to use ours inworld, or now you can get your own on the Marketplace or through any of our vendors!
This is a great FREE product by us to help you not have to worry about waiting for a response to get an item redelivered again! Just rez your redelivery terminal or visit one inworld!
Not only for us though… but ANY merchant who uses the CasperVend system and has their transactions linked with it… you can get THEIR products redelivered too!