Marketplace Review Promo!

From the 11th of June to the 13th of June 2016, we are having a promo for the Marketplace!

If you review any previously unreviewed product on the Marketplace, you get a 25L$ Gift Card for all products up to 100L$, and anything over 100L$ will get you a 50L$ gift card!

This includes any freebies, and any products purchased in the past, but only reviews posted THIS WEEKEND count. The review does not necessarily have to be glowing, but it should be fair and accurate. While we obviously are hoping for positive reviews, any honest review is accepted. Issues such as delivery problems are ineligible. (PS: You can get them redelivered inworld!)

If you have issues with the product such as permissions being wrong, or anything otherwise, please give me a chance to fix it for you before leaving a negative review. I don’t bite! And if I’ve missed your message addressing it prior, please do bring it up. I miss stuff all the time.

To receive your 25L$/50L$ Gift Card, please ensure you leave the fair review, and send a message to “Anke Hatchuk” inworld, or leave a comment on this post linking to the page of the review & the avatar name. 

We will also add a bonus to the above: If you review a product over 250L$ which has already been reviewed, we will still give out a 50L$ gift card. 

Thank you for participating! 🙂

View our MP store! Newest listed first.

Limited one per customer per event period.

Written by Admin Cat

Suspiciously fluffy. Who gave this cat opposable thumbs?