Hello all!

This week I am happy to announce the addition of several new products to our [DDD] Dark Wooden line – a versatile set of products which will fit modern homes to medieval homes without looking out of place. All of these products – except the two featured at FaMESHed exclusively until the 28th of September (Chaise Longue & Nightstand with Candles) – are already available inworld for ease of purchase! They should be on the Marketplace by Monday night.

As well, all of our FREE Affiliate vendors are upgraded to them if they completed the process to set up one of our new updated options which are modifiable! Remember, if you do not see these new products in the vendor, it must be upgraded – they will eventually go defunct & not operate as well as not get any new products to them.

Without further ado, here are our latest additions to this beautiful & timeless set…

Written by Admin Cat

Suspiciously fluffy. Who gave this cat opposable thumbs?